The TN Barber Examiners’ State Board in Nashville is the company that issues your Tennessee Barber License. The main requirement is that the applicant has to be 17 years old and have an education of ten years of school, in order to get a hairdresser certificate in this TN.
In order to get the certification, like in California, the candidate should have 1500 hours of the hairdresser school experience. In case you have a cosmetologist’s valid certificate, up to 300 hours may be transferred from cosmetology school.
There you learn business management, shaving, trimming, haircutting, and sanitation. The school should include training in the required subject areas listed below:
You have the right to take the testing after graduation. According to the state board, candidates must pass both a practical and a theory exam. The practical one lasts 190 minutes. For this checkup, you do tasks like:
The theory exam has two parts:
This test lasts 120 minutes. It is to check the followings written below:
It lasts only 40 minutes. It consists of 25 questions. Candidates’ knowledge of TN laws has to be checked, to this end, they must take this examination.
Yet, you have to score at least 70% on both checkups to be eligible for a certificate. The test fee costs $140.
After passing these tests you can submit your TN barber qualification application. The fee for the initial application is $60.
After all, you are already considered a certified hairdresser. So, you can start your career.
Yet, the qualification is not given for an indefinite period. Hence, should be updated regularly. This has to be done every two years, in the same month that you received your initial qualification.
You do not need continuing education for renewal. Although advanced courses are useful, they help hairstylists to improve their skills.
However, all you should do to renew your certificate is to complete and submit the renewal form. The fee for it is $80.
What if you have the certification in another state but you want to move here? In such cases, it is possible to transfer the license. The transfer application for this state needs proof of licensure appointed by the State Board. It must show that you are currently qualified.
After the board establishes that your training meets the demands, you should pay a $150 fee.
Afterward, you are to provide an official document. And it must prove that you have five years of experience. But, this may be insufficient for the whole process. You are also to provide specific school training hours.
In case you do not have the necessary experience, they will require you to take practical testing.